September 28, 1994 (~estimated)

Fire Department Needs Prior Notice of Fogging

To the Editor, Town Topics:

We are writing you to provide a clearer understanding of the events of September 28 at the Nejad Gallery pictured in your October 5 issue. Although the incident is considered humorous now, if anyone was to be chagrined, it would be the owner of the gallery.

The Princeton Fire Department responded to a report of a fire in the basement of 210 Nassau Street. Upon arrival the first floor of the building was filled with dense smoke. Evacuation of the tenant floors was then started, along with efforts to make en-trance.
After the entry crew had gained access, a search of the store proceeded.

After it was determined that an electric smoke/fog machine was the origin of the smoke condition, the incident was declared over. However, by that time five pieces of fire apparatus had carried approximately 30 fire fighters to the scene. three pumpers had laid approximately 1000 feet of hose to the building. Nassau Street was closed down, and at least two police cars and personnel were tied up. All of this because the owner/manager failed to make the proper notifications and follow the instructions, including prop-er warning signs, as required by code. The incident is under investigation by the Borough Fire Inspectors’ office.

We in the fire department do not consider it an inconvenience to respond to any calls. Protection of life and property is one of the credos of the Princeton Fire Department. We strive to handle every situation appropriately and carefully for all parties concerned.


Princeton Fire Dept.

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