A Tribute to the Volunteers

11 February, 1988


WHEREAS, the Mercer County Board of Freeholders takes great pride in recognizing the PRINCETON HOOK AND LADDER FIRE COMPANY in celebration of TWO HUNDRED YEARS of continuous service to the Princeton community; and,

WHEREAS, a group of citizens saw fit to protect their properties from the ravages of fire, met at the Sign of the College (Nassau Inn) and formed their own fire company in 1788, which has survived the many changes and hardships over these two hundred years; and,
WHEREAS, the Princeton Hook and Ladder Fire Company has always been a volunteer organization; we recognize these VOLUNTEERS for their unselfish dedication of time and energies they have given to fire prevention and fire-fighting; and,

WHEREAS, the Freeholders note the early beginnings; manned by hand with water coming from leather buckets dipped from wells and pumps placed throughout the town to the sophisticated equipment now employed by the department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Freeholders join the Princeton community in paying tribute to this very fine group of VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS who have weathered the plight of lack of funds, lack of volunteers, lack of f. equipment and all the other unworkable items needed in a Volunteer Fire Company, to say “THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU” on the anniversary of 200 YEARS of serving humanity in Princeton!


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