Borough must act on housing plan

4 February, 1987 (~estimated)

Borough must act on housing plan

To the editor: 

Concerning the issue of affordable housing on Hamilton Avenue: This is an issue of perspective. One perspective is that of some of the area “residents.” These “residents” feel threatened by this proposed housing program. All residents of Princeton Borough are entitled to decent housing.

Yet it seems that a number of lifetime or of housing that they can afford. Some long-time residents feel threatened by a lack these people may have a perspective such as the following: Why can a four-year “resident” disagree with housing for me?

Another perspective is that of the moral obligation to provide affordable housing to those who truly need it. And in Princeton. the list of those who truly need it appears to be quite long. This list includes those just out of school those just starting their own families, those on fixed incomes. and those, for whatever reason, have to have this housing.

Numerous people have stated that they are in favor of this housing program, but they want it somewhere else or reduced in size. There are very few lots of land to be built on, how often can this program be moved? How many residents will want it somewhere else? How can it be reduced in size when the need will always be far greater than the units provided? All residents of Princeton must realize the tremendous need for this housing. All residents of Princeton must be willing to make compromises on this issue. People opposed will have to look at density, size and location as issues to compromise on.

People moving into these units will be compromising on future equity buildup and also density.

This affordable housing program is not just an issue between firemen and some residents around Hamilton Avenue. This is an issue concerning all residents and all areas of this program. We must act.

One final point is that of timely information. This issue has been openly discussed for the last three years. While this open exchange is healthy. it is hard to understand at times. It is hard to understand how some people who have lived here about the same amount of time as this program has been discussed can be such experts on the needs of Princeton! 

Henry Tamasi
North Harrison Street

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